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Hey babe,

 I'm Laini



I built this company

in the spirit of what I love most...



without harming the environment

 or animals

My 30+ years In the entertainment industry as a celebrity hairdresser has given me the privilege and honor of working with some of the biggest stars and celebrities in the business – many of whom have become dear friends I deeply care about.

They are busy moms and working women (guys this is for you too) with the same issues we all have – too much to do and not enough time to do it! Daily stresses wreak havoc in our lives, our health and overall well-being, which ultimately shows up in the condition of our hair.

Big life changes, pregnancy, illness, hormone imbalances, menopause, Covid, medication, lack of sleep and not-so-healthy lifestyle choices deplete and drain our system. I see it with my clients because hair doesn’t lie – it reflects what’s going on inside. And there’s no mousse, spray, product, or treatment that can cure unhealthy hair – only cover up the damage.

My clients ask me the same questions we all have; what can I do to help my damaged, stressed, over-washed, lifeless, hormonal, aging hair?



We didn’t have unhealthy, damaged hair our whole lives – and you can’t cure or correct it from a topical like shampoo and conditioner if you’re stressed, hormonal or not well. We must go deeper. We must approach it internally as well...

Thankfully, my extensive understanding and expertise of hair health, along with a longstanding and respected reputation in the industry, has given me a voice. With Burgeon, I’m using my voice to educate, disrupt the status quo and make a difference in people’s lives.

We need real solutions. Which is why I’m here to create a shift in the hair care world by educating people that true hair care begins with optimal wellness, from the inside out. Without addressing internal issues first, you are just pouring money down the drain. We need real solutions.

So, after many years hours and late nights researching and collaborating with my network of brilliant scientists, doctors, wellness, and nutrition experts, we developed a unique, efficacious hair wellness system, products, and treatments that offer dramatic and transformative solutions.









Hey babe,

 I'm Laini

I built this company

in the spirit of what I love most...

Helping people look & feel


My 30+ years In the entertainment industry as a celebrity hairdresser has given me the privilege and honor of working with some of the biggest stars and celebrities in the business – many of whom have become dear friends I deeply care about.

They are busy moms and working women (guys this is for you too) with the same issues we all have – too much to do and not enough time to do it!

Daily stresses wreak havoc in our lives, our health and overall well-being, which ultimately shows up in the condition of our hair.

Big life changes, pregnancy, illness, hormone imbalances, menopause, Covid, medication, lack of sleep and not-so-healthy lifestyle choices deplete and drain our system.

I see it with my clients because hair doesn’t lie – it reflects what’s going on inside. And there’s no mousse, spray, product, or treatment that can cure unhealthy hair – only cover up the damage.

My clients ask me the same questions we all have; what can I do to help my damaged, stressed, over-washed, lifeless, hormonal, aging hair?



We didn’t have unhealthy, damaged hair our whole lives – and you can’t cure or correct it from a topical like shampoo and conditioner if you’re stressed, hormonal or not well. We must go deeper. We must approach it internally as well...

Thankfully, my extensive understanding and expertise of hair health, along with a longstanding and respected reputation in the industry, has given me a voice. With Burgeon, I’m using my voice to educate, disrupt the status quo and make a difference in people’s lives.

We need real solutions. Which is why I’m here to create a shift in the hair care world by educating people that true hair care begins with optimal wellness, from the inside out. Without addressing internal issues first, you are just pouring money down the drain. We need real solutions.

So, after many years hours and late nights researching and collaborating with my network of brilliant scientists, doctors, wellness, and nutrition experts, we developed a unique, efficacious hair wellness system, products, and treatments that offer dramatic and transformative solutions.


